DIY Subway art idea


Making DIY Subway art was a way of recycle and re-purposing those big paper shopping bags, and when your re-usable ones get broken in, you can do the same. Send a message, put in a sentence or use smaller sizes pieces and a large frame to make ‘ransom note art’ or memo board. Putting all the store names together I don’t really like, to me it comes off as materialistic and therefore tacky, but ok for a sample.

So I searched to see if I could find some samples, most of them look like this… Now I live in NY state about 30 minutes or so away from the City…I’e NEVER seen Subway ‘art’ look like this. See the source image

The way they did theirs in the DIY link I would have done mine sideways and to the decoration in the board used. (Anything pink would have went in the pink background, all the others in the black part. (Then if the rest didn’t fit in the black part of the board I would have either put them on the others side (vertically as the final creation is shown) or made a second one.

I’ll have to see if I can find a thick poster board to make one or 2 of my own. This way I can still put the ribbon on the edge but just use that tact gum to hang it on my wall (plaster walls stink for hanging things esp. when the wall gets cold)

As I KNOW I have souvenir bags (like from a few stores and Restaurants in Toronto, as well as some other assorted brand ones I’d rather not use to giveaway. SO I absolutely LOVE this idea. I also have a magazine type thing that can be used to add some flair to it as well.

(will have to see about taking a few pictures once I sort out pictures on my phone and transfer them to a flash drive.)

If you do not have any of these sort of shopping bags Like from big Department stores like Macy’s, lord and Taylor etc you an always look for words you want to use in a search or make them yourself in word or image maker (Like Paint shop pro) so you have the colors and fonts you want and what size font would suit the size of your over all ‘art’ or board you want to hang.  However you like.

Not sure if the plastic ones are used but as I said that’s up to you. if you have doubles why not cut out the letters repeatedly and make a ‘Ransom note’ looking message as well. You could always change it week by week or month… (anytime you get bored with it)


No crumbs about it Crafty Cup Cake liners

Have  the kids been kicking around at home and You’re activities for them indoor and out?


My favorite home hacks blog One Good Thing, always has loads of great ideas, natural ways to clean, preen and dream.

These little and regular sized liners of paper, foil and even shapely silicone are an all around utility item.

(as well as their ice cube tray counter parts)

Image result for paper cup cake linersSee the source imageSee the source image

From Keeping bugs out of your drink while outdoors, to dressing up homemade gifts, decorating lights on a string of lights and even dressing up tea lights. They make clean up easy and even great for making serving sized snacks, dividers, and food preparations easy. Silicone ones are great to use for making frozen treats (or jello shots) as well as DIY natural cleaning and beauty bars and and make fun ones that are in different shapes. No crumbs about it, they are Crafty Cup Cake liners freezer friend. Need to use a small amount of cream for baking? Then freeze it to use for next recipe (will be good for a few weeks.) So its a great idea for around the holidays! Use as a disposable liner for those little items rolling around in your junk and utility drawers and best of all

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The Czur Shine ultra portable scanner

No matter what your craft be it sewing, kneedle work (yarns), drawing painting and even scrapbooking, plus there’s more….

you can use a scanner in some form for your craft. Be it to just scan patterns, copy a specific part, or to get a better image (and lighting) of

Your photo, drawing, painting or the jewelry you made to upload to your website shop or blog.

Its a bit more money, but if you are someone  in school that needs to use a reference book (in other words, you can’t remove it from the library) but you can scan the book safely and take home a digital version. Same for any story you write a(or illustrations) scan them and make your digital book.

back them now

as I think the prices might be higher through Amazon!

Make a pocket letter

A pocket letter is like mini scrapbook. This is a cool idea for when you are away (on vacation for a rainy day while at camp) put some of your souvenirs  and photos together send one to yourself and to whoever you wish was with you! I’m sure you can think of many things and ways to fill the pockets. Did you go to the beach? Include some of the sand in a little baggie (like a 1/2 -1 inch size. If you include some small shells be sure to use a bubble envelope.


Inspiration station ~Pop-up recipe (?) book

I’m posting this early as I’m sure it takes a while to plan and prepare. Here’s an idea for a Mothers’ day gift or a shower gift for a mom to be (especially if she will make her own baby food).

You can make it for one recipe throughout the book, or make each page a recipe. Either way this would make a great gift full of love for your mom of her, Yours or everyone in the family’s favorite recipe(s).

Even better, is your daughter getting married? Why not make this for her with the family recipes (especially ones passed down) This makes a lovely gift full of love, for anyone. I love the way they include the ingredients with little mini versions of what you need.

Image result for bread; a pop up instructional

Bread: An Instructional Pop-Up Book

Bread: an instructional pop-up book

Image result for bread; a pop up instructional

Image result for bread; a pop up instructional

Search scrapbook Pop up books for inspiration  or for a simpler, not as pretty version (good for school projects)

Magazine rack

This is a neat Idea for college students and those who just moved out on their own Clever Shoebox Upcycle via DIY and Craft Tutorials By cutting two parallel  triangles into a shoebox and folding it in the centre, you can t...and a bit strapped for cash!
Why ever buy another wooden or magazine rack for even $3.99 and up. This one at most if you already bought a pair of sneakers or boots save the box… aside from that you just need to go to a dollar or discount store and get shelf lining paper (or tac paper) to decorate it and there ya go. Also the ones you buy in stores do not always fit the large magazines or other items you may need to fit in it.


also good to use as a craft tote just cut a handle into the top! a Quick toolbox for the essential hammer, wrench, screwdriver tape measure and some emergency fuses, flashlight, bulbs, screws, nuts bolts etc.

How to Stay Creative

life hacks: ANY thought you have for anything, Write it sketch it or a bit of both just so you can retain it when it’s more convenient to really write it out, draw or paint it. This is to keep the reminder of the vision you had for it, and to retain it.

I carry some sort of pad with me at all times, (even if it’s just my little palm sized planner, I figured this way when In a bind, I can at least make a quick note or the basic plot idea, character name or poem I got an idea for


Here is what I have for my Pocket journal (via amazon) and it literally fits in my back pocket or a tiny purse etc!


Here’s a cheaper way to go 

I can even make one for you, $5 (for materials and includes postage) or see if the journal or Post-it pads are of interest to you. Have something  specific in mind,

Tell me what text and colors you want  Zazzle account. 

K3O: Decorative Notecards

Kims knock out Customs

I recently have been making a few note cards of my own by hand (with tape as the design)

You can see one or 2 of the samples in my Etsy shop Plus there is an image of more patterns that would be in the assortment or if you want them all the same.

here’s a larger version of the patterns available

notecard designs