part ways with your Favorite denim Easier with these clever projects

Have I got some projects for you this year! I cam across this and started to drool.

Instead of getting rid of those old jeans put them away to use for these darling if not daring projects!

What are they, one is a bib, a basket bucket and even a place mat with pocket for napkin and utensils. Let’s not forget the Denim Whale, I wasn’t aware blue whales came from denim! I also like the jeans with the British flag on it

Up the ottoman project to be storage! Use a pail of your liking to store your kids toys or anything that you may need to quick clean when pressed for time when company is coming.

I ‘sew’ want to make those place mats for cookouts!








Magazine rack

This is a neat Idea for college students and those who just moved out on their own Clever Shoebox Upcycle via DIY and Craft Tutorials By cutting two parallel  triangles into a shoebox and folding it in the centre, you can t...and a bit strapped for cash!
Why ever buy another wooden or magazine rack for even $3.99 and up. This one at most if you already bought a pair of sneakers or boots save the box… aside from that you just need to go to a dollar or discount store and get shelf lining paper (or tac paper) to decorate it and there ya go. Also the ones you buy in stores do not always fit the large magazines or other items you may need to fit in it.


also good to use as a craft tote just cut a handle into the top! a Quick toolbox for the essential hammer, wrench, screwdriver tape measure and some emergency fuses, flashlight, bulbs, screws, nuts bolts etc.

Up-cycled Jeans turned funky purse

DSCN4974 Awhile back I saw a purse in a thrift saw I Knew someone made out of upcycledDSCN4975 jeans and thought I so have to do that one of these days (yeah one more projects like books to add to the pile!)

I have a few pairs of shorts at least that no longer fit, and one of them may be the perfect choice, though I’m at that age I am hoping to lose some weight (and I am) but enough to fit back into them!

So today’s post will be an early weekend project. You can deign it how you please patches, embroidery etc. it will show off your own style and these are great for summer and to make a statement!

Bag from old jeans

Click for instructions


washi wood bracelets

If you have saved Popsicle sticks   (o you get can some at a craft store)  why not up-cycle them for something other than waxing,//diy: Washi Tape Wooden Bracelets// or stirring pain etc. Be creative and make a bracelet out of them!

First you need to drill or hammer a hole on each end for a string (unless of course you can get it to bend enough so that it will sit on your wrist without falling off. which is a very difficult task as at some point they tend to break)


2nd soak them in water so they will bend and be sure its in a container once you dump the water they can sit in and dry so the bend stays.

Maybe a cup, or a small Chinese take out soup container, you can even use those Gum containers that fit in the cup holders it all depends on how bent you need the bracelet to be in order to fit properly.


3rd  after soaking in water (I forget how long it takes) but let’s say over night… dump the water leaving the bracelets in container to dry so they can stay the shape you need.

4… Time to play with the washi tape! make them all one pattern or use a few, don’t have washi tape? use paint markers anything you please to decorate them


5. Use Mod Poge to ‘seal’ it all together (you may need a few coats) there’s matte and glass finish its up to you what look you want for yourself or to make for gifts etc.


6… if you did make the holes on either side, string through your hemp twine or whatever sort natural type chord you please.

7 wear and give out


Ideas for use….

School spirit, party pass (instead of those awful plastic things you get at concerts and clubs) and anything else you can think up